Monday, February 28, 2011


I am posting this because it is almost Sage's Bath Time....

She LOVES her bath, in fact she cries for it at the same time every night  - and yes we do a bath every night, some say it dries the skin out, but we haven't had a problem- and if it helps her sleep at night, then hey why not?...we can't even say the word Bath or she starts, so now we spell it - And as soon as she hears the water running, she has the biggest smile on her face that melts our hearts.

And jammie time is part of the fun as well, she smells so good and picking out jammies is always good....Aunt Merredith got to pick them every night while in WV.

I have always known of babies to not enjoy their bath and remember some that I have been around crying the entire time in the bath :( so I was kind of dreading giving one to Sage, but she has loved it from Day 1!

I have always loved having a bath myself, and enjoyed them while I was pregnant...until I couldn't get out of the bathtub by myself anymore...(that was a sad day)

It's bittersweet to think of her baths in the big tub....means my little girl is growing up, but also means some fun time with toys and splashing for us to partake in :)

We can't wait to see her light up like she has in her other baths

          1st Bath - at the Hospital

            1st Bath at Home - 2 days old

              Bath time with Papaw in WV

             Bath time with Mamaw & Papaw       

         Saturday Night Bath with Mommy (after her bath she cried for at Grandma Jans)

              Sunday Night Bath with Daddy

              Ahhhh so relaxed and ready for a book bedtime


Sweet Dreams Sage Elizabeth xo

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Herniated Belly Button

Sages umbilical cord fell off when she was 9 days old (just in time for her newborn photos)

Everything was looking fine, however, a few weeks later it began to stick out quite far...I thought maybe she was going to have an "outie"...I had hoped not, but hey what can ya do? ;-)

Well it was purple in color and squishy, from what I had read it could be a herniated belly button. I was a bit nervous...but found that it was pretty common, and most of the time heals itself within a few years.
I had asked the Dr. about it at Sages 2 month checkup....she wasn't concerned and said the hernia was smaller than a pin hole, and should definitely would go down on it's own, but didn't have a timeline, so that was comforting.

Here is a photo of it when it wasn't too bad (but bad enough for me to worry) did get worse, but I don't have a pic. 1/21/11

Slowly Going Down In WV 2/15/11

And Today 2/27/11 Completely IN!!!

We went from a Mountain to a Mole Hill, to a Crater....and we couldn't be happier :)
We are so thankful it went down on it's own with no surgery.....and well it looks like she is going to have a pretty "Innie" come bathing suit season ;)

Oh how things have changed.....

You know you are a mom when.....
- Your new accessory is spit up...and it doesn't bother you! (even on your D&G clothes)
- Your "purse" is now the diaper bag and you no long carry anything you used to but your wallet, keys, phone oh and all the coupons that you have saved for your shopping trips

-You now hate wearing your "low rise" jeans, when "mom" jeans feel so much better
- You have 3 inches of roots (ok maybe 4) showing because you don't want to leave your little princess long enough to go get your hair highlighted.
- You may stay in your pj's all day ( but you make sure your daughter is up and dressed )

-You will call anyone just to talk to an adult! :)
- My favorite nap time activity is figuring out where I can find the cheapest formula and diapers. I love this!!!
- Your "client" is this precious one:
I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.....I absolutely LOVE being this Doll's Mommy :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sage is 12 weeks today & It is our 1st Blog!!

Well today Little Miss Sage is 12 weeks old....

Where has the time gone?? For the first few weeks of her arrival, I was always saying that blogging was not for me....well after watching her grow up so fast...what better way to get it all down and to share it with our loved ones, than to blog?!?

So here we are -

Sage had her DTaP shot yesterday - I was dreading it.... since her first round of shots was heartbreaking for us  (probably more for Grandma Jan and I than her), but she did well - no fever or any other reaction :)  and Mommy didn't cry this time :) - J was with us...always nice to have her Daddy home....and the nurse let me hold her - Sage was sleeping, she woke to cry a bit and then back to sleep. She was such a strong girl!
We then met Auntie Missy for lunch :)

Pictures after her shot!
Her stats were:
Head measurement: 15"
Weight: 11 lbs, 12 oz.
Length: 23 3/4" Long

Today she is 12 weeks old!!!
Holding that head up for long periods of time....kicking and talking to Mommy and Daddy and loves hearing our voices.

I have always said I didn't want my child to watch a lot of TV....well Sage was crying and nothing was soothing her...I mean I turned on Disney - and Jungle Junction was on, immediately she smiled and started cooing, and talking to the TV...I thought alright we have stumbled on something here...I put her in her Rock and Play (love it!) and she was happy as a clam for several minutes! A miracle that show is

Today we went to visit Grandma Jan....we hadn't seen her in a while...we have only been home from our trip to WV for a week....visiting my side of the family (that we miss dearly) and so today we said we are going...we have missed her so much!
She cooked us a wonderful meal and we visited for a while and came home...of course we were out late and so Sage cried for a bath one (just warm water) and was so happy! ...and then got another at home (she has to have one or she will not sleep) - J has her now and she is sound asleep!

Now we are hoping that she gets back to her schedule of sleeping 9 hours straight (the Eastern time zone has had her a bit confused)

Sage 2/26 in her crib

Sweet Dreams Sage Elizabeth