Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Trip to Coronado

We were supposed to go to Disneyland on Thursday, however we found out the park closed at 6 and we wouldn't be getting there till late afternoon, since J was coming off of a trip...not to mention it was to be another hot day in the triple we decided to go to where J and I got married and show the family.

Sage had her 9 month check up earlier that morning - Her Stats:
Weight - 19.8 lbs (75th percentile)
Height - 29 1/2" (97th percentile)
Head - 17 1/4"  (25th percentile)

We have a long and lean model on our hands, I believe :)

We then came home packed up and headed to meet J in San Diego....We got to Coronado around 1PM and stayed on the beach till 4:30 - This was Sage and my fathers first visit to the beach at all - and my Mom and Mama's first visit to the Pacific. We had a wonderful time - we then wanted to walk through Hotel Del and show them around and shop a little...however we got to experience our very first BLACKOUT! Everything was closed off, the bar was open so we all got a soda and then headed home....hoping that the lights were on soon...they weren't

We spent hours in traffic trying to get to J's truck and get took us 3 hours to get near Temecula...we heard they had power still and so did our home (thank goodness) J ran out of gas almost home, we had to all crowd in my car and get home, this meant me riding in the hatch

We got home and J had our nephew Jake run him to his truck with gas.....he got home much later and we had already went to bed.

Was a great and eventful day to say the least

Here are some of our pics from that day:

Sweet Dreams Sage Elizabeth xo

Monday, September 5, 2011

9 Months Old!

Where has the time gone?... Our Baby is 9 Months old!

It is so bittersweet.....I miss my baby, but I am so excited to see the smart little girl Sage is becoming.

She sits, rolls, crawls, pulls herself saying DaDa and NaNa (I am trying to see if she has Mama confused or if she is saying NO NO...I am thinking its No Her top two teeth are about to pop through any time. Her molars have been trying, I know those are the hardest ones...and they have been swollen for a few weeks now :(

We celebrated at Mamaw Jan's like usual for her monthly birthday, but this time with Mama and Papa and Great Mama from WV :) it was a great day! Auntie Elle and Michelle celebrated with us too, we were only missing J - getting us all together seems to be a challenge.

Mamaw Jan went all out...we had appetizers, drinks, and then a fabulous dinner (as always), we swam....and we watched WVU football (in and out of weather warnings) and then we had a birthday celebration, with Princess hats, blowers, and decorations...homemade confetti cake, and Sage got lots of beautiful things - She is so blessed and loved

Sweet Dreams Sage Elizabeth you are such a big girl and such a joy to all of us. 
we love you more than there are fish in the sea