Tuesday, June 21, 2011

6 month photo shoot

Well it has been 6 months, and we haven't had pictures done in a while. 
Sage had her newborn photos done when she was 9 days old, then we had pictures taken in WV when she was 2 months (but we were all sick, but Sage), then we had our family pictures taken when she was 4 months (Easter pictures), and now it is time for 6 MONTHS!

In all of those photo shoots - we managed to skip 3 months?...leave it to me, but hey looks like we have every other month covered ;)
And it wasn't like I didn't take a million photos of my own since little Sage has been born :) 

Our babysitter Jessica dabbles with photography and she did pictures for me for my mothers day gift - and she did these for Sages 6 Months :) She does a WONDERFUL job!!

Sweet Dreams Sage Eilzabeth xo

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures are beautiful! We tried to put Brycen in the grass (was wearing pants with no shoes/socks) and he wouldn't have it. We don't have a yard, so there hasn't been much lawn time for him. I think it was just too strange for him. I tried again a few hours later and still failed to get a good shot of him sitting up by himself.
