Monday, May 23, 2011

A New Routine.....

J and Mamaw Jan left on a 15 day fishing trip on May 13th - J for work and Mamaw for fun and fishing. 

It has been a super long week already...after having J home for a few months and now gone has been a hard thing to get used to. 

I have nobody to give me a break in the evenings, or mornings...I get Sage, myself, and the dogs ready for the day in the mornings..we have a routine down pretty good, so that makes it easier...then it is off to the baby sitter to drop her off and hard to leave her...then the dreaded drive to work....and then work begins...some days good and some days ok...then it't the dreaded drive back home...only there is a sweet baby girl waiting for me to pick her up, which makes that drive not so dreaded...only that it takes too long to get back to her....then our evenings start, almost like our mornings, only we are getting ready for bed and not the day.  

Seeing this face every morning and every night makes my days so great!

I give props to all of those single parents out there....doing it for just a few weeks at a time is so much work but yet so rewarding...and those that do it day in and day out, are stronger than anyone I know! 

J and I hit a milestone as well....We had our 1st Wedding Anniversary, but celebrated apart - we are making up for it this weekend by going away for a few days to Palm Springs...neither one of us has been and now the 3 of us are going, we are so excited to get away. 
He did send me these flowers, so I had something beautiful to enjoy with him being gone. 

He is such a great guy!

I miss Mamaw Jan so much as well...she and I have daily chats via email and we haven't had that in over a week!! Looks like she has been having a great time fishing though, so that makes us feel good. We are looking forward to having her home. 

Miss Sage is sleeping, which means me and the pups should be too....

Sweet Dreams Sage Elizabeth xoxoxo

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mothers Day

This was my 1st official Mothers Day! 

And it was a great one! 

We spent the night with Mamaw Jan after Sage's party. 
J got up and fixed all of us breakfast, his infamous Eggs Benedict - with browned potatoes. That was a great way to start the morning. 
We then spent time coddling Sage and then opening gifts. 
J and Sage got me a - Tiffany Mother Charm and had it engraved for me for my charm bracelet, cards, and Godiva chocolates

Jan and Mike got me a card and a gold mother and child necklace and an embroidered picture of Me with Sage.

J and I then went to San Clemente for the afternoon...while Mamaw Jan and Grandpa Mike watched Sage. We went and had drinks, walked through the farmers market, he bought me flowers....then we walked to a children's boutique to buy Sage Elizabeth some goodies (she always makes out like a bandit when we are out shopping)

We then stopped on our way back to Jan's to get groceries and J cooked dinner for us all - Roasted pasta with pancetta and shrimp 

Then it was back home to get the puppies. 

It was a great 1st Mothers Day, only thing better would have been to spend it with my mother as well. 

So proud to be your Mommy Sage Elizabeth xoxo

5 Months Old...

Well Sage was 5 months old on May 4th - I am a little late posting this...but we have been super busy. 

On the 4th, Sage talked with Mama and Papaw back in WV via Skype and she really had a long chat...since she had just found her voice just days before - then she talked with Mamaw Jan - she was a Chatty Cathy that day. 

We celebrated on the 7th at Mamaw Jan's - we went swimming, sat in the bar for some drinks, had dinner, and birthday cake, and visited with family. It was a great day.

                                                      Sage on May 4th

Mamaw Jan and Sage

First time in the pool 

She was loving it

Diva getting her suit on 

Fun in the water with Auntie Ellen

Time to rest with Auntie Michelle

5 month Birthday cake

Such a big girl!!

At 5 Months you are: 

15.4 lbs
26 1/2" Long
and your head is 16" diameter

Sweet Dreams Sage Elizabeth
We Love you

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Time is flying...

And I am slacking with posting lately....

Sage Elizabeth is 5 Months Old today!!!! 

We cannot believe how big she is getting..seems like yesterday she was our tiny tiny girl and now she is getting to be such a big girl. At her last Dr. appt which was several weeks ago, she was 14 lbs, and 24 3/4 " long....she returns this coming week for a check up and we are anxious for her next stats. 

Jason has been off with Sage these last few days and loving it, they had some father daughter bonding time before he heads back on the boat next week. I think they have really enjoyed themselves. 

Last evening Sage really found her voice.. - she used to jibber jabber, but now she really JIBBER JABBERS...we love to hear her talk.